What a busy month this is. Blayne and I have tried really hard this year to work on our food storage. We are also trying to USE our food storage. The kids may no like it, but they'll learn. So once again, we are scheduled to go to dry pack with our ward tonight, we are going to add a little more to our supply.
Today a good friend of ours flew in from Iraq, he is the husband to my really good friend Crystal (she does my hair). They are getting ready to have their first baby. We had Crystal's baby shower at my hose last weekend. It was fun, her poor little body is READY to have that baby. Now that Jesse is home, come on out Matthew, we're ready! Seeing that she is a hairdresser, Tori patiently waited until Crystal was ready for the day then she had Crystal curl her hair to. Victoria looked like a big girl, not sure I liked it.
Since I don't have enough trouble with my physical health, I am constantly pushing my body to the limits by doing things I SHOULDN'T. This week Tori and I decided to rearrange her room a bit. We wanted more room in there so we decided we should stack the bunk beds. Did I wait for Blayne you ask? Of course not, I can do it, it's not that big of a deal. Well it was, and I shouldn't have done it by myself, but I did. Of course I paid for it for a few days, but it got done and that was the point. I am still deciding whether or not it was worth it. Tori thinks it was, didn't affect her one bit!! Now we just have to keep Maddalyn down on her own bed which has proven to be a huge struggle.
We took the kids to the annual FLY-IN CRUISE-IN that Sandy has every year. In the past we have entered Blayne's bug in the competition. We won in 2007, so he thinks it isn't any more fun, none the less we go every year. This year we went, even though the weather was insanely hot. I let Blayne be in charge of the camera and instead of taking some pics of my little lovelies, they are all of cars. He was taking pics for ideas of how to finish his mustangs engine. He managed to get Gavin in a corner of one of the pictures, but that's all I have.....SORRY! But I did get a picture of this awesome VW bus that travels around with a "mini me", the owner can even drive it. It was pretty cool.
Today we went to the park. The weather has been insane here. When we left the house this morning and it was almost 10:00, the temperature had already gone up to 86 degrees. When we got back at 1:45 the temperature gauge in the car read 106 degrees. IT IS AWFUL!! To top it all off, Gavin threw up in my car while running errands. So I had to stand out in the gosh awful heat cleaning barf out of my car. For those of you who know me, I am a sympathy puker, so good thing I wasn't witness to the actual action or else I would be cleaning up two messes. I guess there is a brighter side to every story? Of course if you believe that, feel free to come on over, there's plenty of puky mess for everyone!! We did have fun at the park though! (p.s. I know puker and puky are not real words but I really don't care!)
Versii's Campaign
1 year ago