I can't believe fall has come so fast! Things are returning to normal at the Yates house. Kids are doing great in school and Mom feels like she is human again. We've had Amber at our house for the last two weeks. It was great with her here making sure life was continuing on while I was sick. Although after having Jonas with her, I almost expect to have a toddler running around......Heavens No!
Kids are doing great in school. They are in a new Charter School that started in our area this year. Being a new school, each child in Victoria's class was asked to right a "persuasive argument" on what they thought the school mascot and colors should be. Then the class voted on a few the teacher had picked, now it will go to the entire school to vote. Tori's idea won for her class, she is so excited!!!! I am very proud of her. She is growing up so fast.
While Amber was here she made sure the kids kept busy. She made sure dinner was ready, dishes were done, homework was done, kids to and from school, laundry, groceries, pretty much everything! All done while she was still taking care of her sick little sister, Blayne and I couldn't have done it without her. Thanks Amber, I love you! Somewhere along the line we got on the subject of pirate hats, she told the kids she'd help them make some. Of course the days passed, so right before she left she picked up a paper to make sure she followed through. They had fun, now I just need to let them decorate them.
Versii's Campaign
1 year ago