Monday, September 14, 2009

My New Car

Not that my other Subaru was old, but it was getting ready to turn 90k, and getting ready to need some serious repairs and maintenance. So Blayne started doing some shopping around. While shopping he was finding that the stinkin "cash for clunkers" was depleting all dealerships of any inventory. Finally one of the dealerships got a shipment in. The same day Blayne went and picked out a car. We were still on the fence, then they made an offer we couldn't pass up. It is a 2008 Outback with only 7,900 miles on it. It still has the new car smell. Still under factory warranty, plus since it is so new it qualifies for their "Certified" which extends the warranty to 100K (limited), so they also threw in the 100k bumper to bumper and power train warranty. Like I said a deal we couldn't pass up! I'm happy, Blayne did a good job, especially seeing that I didn't even see it until he brought it home.


Alex said... sub has over 190K...HA!

Blayne and Aerin Yates said...

My old one had 90K the new has WAY less. My old Chevy Suburban had
207k when I sold it to my sister.