Saturday, January 25, 2014

Pinewood Derby

Gavin participated in his 2nd Pinewood Derby this month. He was able to enter both cars, his one from last year and the new one for this year. He took second place again! He has so much fun doing this, so do Blayne and I. The Stake does a great job making this a fun experience for our Scouts!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

EQ Sledding Trip

With Blayne's new calling as Elders Quorum President we had the pleasure of planning the annual sledding trip this year. Being that we are a family that loves snow, it was simple and we had a blast!

 Victoria always has to warm up to these types of activities, but she always ends up having fun!

 Gavin on the other hand is right at home at any type of snow activity/snow sport, he's like his Dad!!

 Blayne being silly! Showing the kids how it's done!

 Every time we head up the Mountain, we make sure to document the day!
It was a great trip! We'll be ready when it's time to do it again!
Happy 2014!!