Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fall, Fall, Fall!

Last weekend Blayne and the kids and I did a fun activity. We made cake pops, of course we cheated and used donut holes. They turned out great and we had fun doing it together.

Later that evening Victoria and Gavin decided to have a teeth pulling party. Victoria pulled out a molar (with help from Shannon) and Gavin pulled out his two front teeth.

With it being General Conference weekend we stayed at home and enjoyed our time together. In between sessions on Sunday we went for a nice walk and went geo caching. I enjoyed the beautiful fall weather and took a cute picture of the girls' rain boots. I love the Fall season!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for having us over conference weekend. Even though Lexi whined that night that she wanted to go home, she's been asking over and over when she gets to sleep over again! Silly kid. We love you guys.