Saturday, January 24, 2009

I can't believe January is almost over!

As we are approaching the last week in January, I find myself in complete disarray as to where I have been and where to go next. January has been a very eventful month, too eventful, lets hope February is a tad bit more calm. I think our family is finally starting to shake that lingering cold that has been going around, it's about time!! Who knows where it came from but I am not sad to see it go. So here is to a more quiet and less sick February!!!


Alex said...

I love how things are going fast! That means my baby will be here faster! HA! BUT, I really do home things calm down in your life...craziness. Hope this week can be relaxing

Shannon said...

Yeah, you deserve a quieter month!! I feel the same way that you's all going too fast! I'm sooooo ready for our girly date on Friday!!! I went and got 150 more pictures developed. Geesh.

Liz Lane said...

I just love blogging. It has helped our family keep in touch with each other. It's a shame the family has grown so much we have lost touch with our cousins. I'm looking forward to the Naydene/Orson Lane reunion. It will be awesome to reconnect with everyone. That's so cool there are a couple of "Lanes" in the family. Kathy (Lane) Swann also named her boy Lane. I love the name. I also enjoyed your blog. I will definitely keep reading.