Thursday, January 8, 2009

Let the craziness continue!!

So just when I was soooo happy for school to be back in, I am once again blessed with having Victoria home for a few days. Wednesday I spent 2 1/2 hours at the Dr.'s office with Maddy and Gavin, ear infections. Thursday Victoria woke up saying, "Mom my throat hurts so bad I can't swallow my own spit!" Well because the day before wasn't insane enough, I spent another 2+ hours at the Dr.'s again today having both of my girls swabbed for strep. POSITIVE!! Positive I hate strep! So Victoria is home until Monday, Maddy was negative today but they will call me after the 48 hour culture, just to make sure. SO MUCH FUN!! Anyone want to trade places??? Bring any offer to the table.

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