Then there is Tony. We love Tony to death. My kids love Tony to death. I don't think there is a person we have adopted so quickly into our family. We love having him in our home and I hope he enjoys being there. Although.....I am not sure he always knows what he is in for. It seems there is always something he helps us do, sometimes good and sometimes not so good. Little did he know when he went to lay down on the floor after a long days work at the house that he would be attacked by mob of monsters. He took it just like a good Uncle would, but didn't go down with out a good fight!
Then today after he got home from snowboarding with Blayne, he spent some quality time with Maddalyn. She definitely looked like she was feeling better then when he left her this morning, sick and laying in Mommies bed with a box of kleenex in hand and exhausted Mommy.
I don't know what it is with kids and ice cream. I hate to give it to them because they make such a big mess, but how can you go through life without having ice cream. When I was growing up my G'pa Joe always gave us ice cream money. This is a very positive memory I have, who wouldn't it's ice cream. Too bad I grew to be a lactose intolerant adult. Regardless, this is also a tradition G'pa Joe has started with my kids. But my mom being their "G'pa Joe" does it too. So needless to say, my kids love ice cream and never seem to want for it, they have ice cream money coming from G'ma Julie and Great G'pa Joe. But wait... The tradition I started is, I take their ice cream and put it in their piggy banks and then I pay for the ice cream, which I will continue to do as long as I can afford it. OR...dare I day.....they will just not get ice cream!
So, back to the point. While we are at Ashley's, ice cream is a very common offer we use to bribe the kids to behave in the car while we are running errands. It is definitely worth the mess to get a few moments of quiet and cooperation in the car.