Saturday, September 13, 2008

Punk Rock Red!

Punk Rock Red, is what Blayne calls my new hairdo. Don't get me wrong he loves it, but that is his official description of it. I have the neighbor that everyone should have (one of them anyway). She was a hairstylist in downtown Portland. She recently moved to Washington but her Mom is still next door. So, she does the best job ever, and I figure everything is temporary so why not have a little fun! (My Maddy and Ashley's Abram)


Shannon said...

I would say Blayne's description is accurate! LOL. I like it though. I think it's cute.

Cali said...

Woo Baby! I think it's friggin' sexy!!

Alex said...

I must say, I still do love it! I love the punk rock color! Now you just need some heavy eye liner and some new tats and your set....I can hook ya up with those tats!

Liz said...

WOW! :) Sexy Mama! You make my red that I just put in go to shame! ;0) Now mine looks like orphan Annie Red...!