For Christmas, yes Christmas, he bought me a large picture frame titled "Family' then put some pictures in it for me. I found it last week, wiped the dust off of it and there was our motivation to get going. Then today while wondering at Fred Meyer, bad thing to do, I found a "Live, Laugh, Love" frame with eleven picture slots. Victoria helped pick out some photos and we put that together.
Pictures don't do it justice but I do feel like my family room actually lives up to it's title. Thanks to my sweet hubby actually letting me give him a "honey-do" list.
FUN, FUN, FUN !! I love it when things come together.
We set a goal for Victoria to learn to ride her bike this summer, without training wheels. She's capable just has no desire. She had very many other interests and activities she would rather do. Blayne and I feel it's important for her to ride her bike, then it will make it easier for us to go riding together as a family. We are also working with them to build co-ordination to make it easier to ski and snowboard this winter.
So we took her to the church last week thinking it may be easier to ride in the flat parking lot. So for the first time, unbeknownst to her, she rode her bike all by herself. Of course once she knew Blayne let go, she freaked out and crashed. She was a good sport and went for another go round. She did a great job and is so close. Just a few more trips to the church.
We are definitely enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having lately. Although, I am definitely Oregon born and raised because I think it can get to be too hot and I do have a/c which makes it more comfortable. I also look forward the random cool down. I am sure I will be cursed by some for jinxing us by saying so......sorry :)
Not by me. I'm relieved to see the cooler weather. I'm officially motivated to hang something on my bare walls. We moved into our house 3 months ago and there isn't a single thing on the walls yet!!
really cute girl :) I just may have to steal that family hanging idea from you!
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