1. As a comment on my blog leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Versii's Campaign
1 year ago
Oh my gosh...do I seriously have to leave just one?? Well - I don't think that is possible. :) I remember the first time meeting you guys. You lived in your old Oregon City house and had a BBQ. I remember feeling so scared to meet the infamous Blayne and Aerin!! (Plus there were LOTS of Tru's friends there...property people and such...that I was so scared of making a bad impression and not being liked!) LOL.
Then of course we became fast friends and spent countless hours scrapbooking, quilting, sewing, making stalkings, playing games, watching movies, eating junk food, caring for our babies, gabbing about anything and everything, making dinner, running to Fred Meyers for something, talking on the phone, going out to eat, calming Lexi down....gosh...what would I do without you?
Gosh...7 years has gone by quick and we've certainly had our fair share of fun!! I'm still trying to think of a prominent memory...I think right now, since it's still so fresh in my mind, is you rubbing my feet and painting my toenails while I was massively pregnant and then you counting contractions for me and urging my text messaging (at 3 in the morning) for me to get my butt to the hospital. :)
Seriously, you are the bestest friend I've ever had!
Oh and Blayne - by far he is the best hug giver EVER!
Your kids - So many memories there...I remember as each one came along, falling in love with them as though they were my own and learning about caring for infants. I still think it didn't prepare enough though cause your babies were too easy!! LOL. No really - LOVE those kids with all my heart.
I'll have Truman post his memories later tonight.
I remember skipping church with Aerin and Mike and going to taco bell almost every week! Ah, the good old days. One of the funniest things I have to admit is that I really don't remember meeting Blayne. I know it was sometime before they got married, but meeting someone for the first time should stick out in your mind. All I do remember is waking up next to him one day and my little sister Noelle walked in and said,"hi Blayne". Then he told her to go make us breakfast. I guess the rest is history since they haven't been able to get rid of us since.
So how about staying up and talking about who knows what, cause I was so tired I don't remember! That's a great memory, that's all I have to say! What was it, 2 am or something like that? 1:30? It was great finally getting to know you guys a bit better! Can't wait for many memories to come! Hope camping was a blast! Toodles,
Us other Yates'
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